Mario Koplmüller
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Mario Koplmüller

Managing Director

IT education and many years of professional experience in IT roles in the areas of development, consulting, project and process management for ERP, CRM and digital. At epunkt since 2012 - initially in development and management of recruiting teams. Since 2022 responsible for digital transformation in recruiting and business development.

Contact / Location
epunkt Vienna
Universitätsring 8/6
1010 Vienna

4 Facts about Mario

  • Does not shy away from a challenge and takes on responsibility
  • Always finds optimization potential
  • Change and technology as a constant companion
  • Pragmatic and agile approaches

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Mario:

The combination of many years of industry experience in IT and recruiting, his industry network and his eye for the big picture.

Mario Koplmüller
Mario koplmueller 2

Mario's colleagues