epunkt Graz
Contact / Address
Visiting epunkt is an adventure with our discoverer rooms. To keep your journey here from getting too adventurous you have 3 options:
- Public Transit
Tram Lines: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Tram stop: Hauptplatz or Jakominiplatz - With a smartphone as your guide
Whether walking or driving: let Google Maps show you the best route. - If all else fails
Call us at +43 316 22 56 46 and we will explain how to reach the our office.
You have reached your destination and need a parking space?
Our office is in a pedestrian zone. Try one of these parking garages:
P1: Andreas-Hofer-Platz
P2: Kunsthaus
P3: Operngarage
P4: TG Hotel Weitzer
Arrived early and have plenty of time before your appointment?
Enjoy coffee or tea at Café Sacher (1 minute walk).
Contact / Address