Ing. Markus Kugler, BA
At epunkt since June 2018. Prior to that, more than 10 years at a German technology conglomerate as a service technician, most recently worked in internal controlling and innovation management. Specialised in electrical engineering, mechatronics, and mechanical engineering. Now he uses his professional experience as a mechanical engineer to help candidates and clients find the best possible match. Currently writing his master’s thesis in Product Marketing & Innovation Management.
7 Facts about Markus
- Word juggler and lover of puns
- Easily amused; loves to laugh
- Night owl and morning grouch
- Music on. World off
- Affinity for sports
- Team player, organiser, and joker
- Networker and bridge builder
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Markus:
His years of experience as an engineer and technology driver. You don’t always have to take the usual path to reach a goal: think outside of the box. His intrinsic motivation to bring people together – both in professional and personal contexts. Jack of all trades in the office in Linz.