Lukas Heuschober, BA
Senior Sales Consultant
Joined epunkt in July 2021 as a senior sales consultant. Motivated to bring together people who belong together. His experience in gastronomy, client services, and leadership help him in doing so. His education as a recruiter and his studies enable him to combine theory and experience to find the best solution for everyone.
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10 Facts about Lukas
- Everything is easier with a wink and some humour.
- Doesn’t believe coincidences, just seized opportunities.
- Dominates other players in “Activity”.
- Doesn’t watch films.
- The journey is its own reward – except when running a marathon.
- Concerns himself with solutions, not problems.
- The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.
- Usually listens to podcasts.
- The way to love is through the stomach, so he learned to cook.
- Is looking forward to the future.
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Lukas:
His communication with others as equals, his high quality standards, and the way he works to continuously improve epunkt and our services.