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Eric Wüstenberg

Sourcing Partner

Part of the epunkt sourcing team since February 2017. Apprenticeship and education in IT. Has made it his mission to help software engineers find the perfect job.

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7 Facts about Eric

  • Never misses an opportunity to drop a funny remark.
  • Has an open ear for everything and everyone. Including the office dogs.
  • Always on the lookout for the newest technologies and trends.
  • Music producers. Composes and creates music for DJs to work with.
  • Passionate collector of audio technology. Has more than one headset.
  • Movie and series junkie. According to online tests he is a Gryffindor and Jedi in training.
  • A gamer in various online worlds when reality gets too stressful.

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Eric:

The open and humorous way he interacts with others, along with his flexibility and creativity when dealing with various topics.

IT Recruitment Active Sourcing
Eric wuestenberg 1
Eric wuestenberg 2

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