Doreen Reithmayr, BA
Recruiting Partner
Found her perfect match in the recruiting team for IT infrastructure & operations in 2022. Prior to that, worked and studied Business & Economics with a focus on Personnel Management and Organisation in Linz.
Contact / Location
8 Facts about Doreen
- Early bird - usually the first person in the office.
- Loves jokes, just can’t remember any
- An Upper Austrian with all her heart, yet plagued constantly by wanderlust
- Greatly values appreciation and respect and conversations as equals
- Thinks spaghetti tastes best cut
- Finishes what she starts
- Absolute team player - one hand alone can’t tie a knot
- Always curious, motivated, and hungry for knowledge
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Doreen:
Her optimism, her ability to see the big picture, and how much she enjoys working with others.