David Sonnberger, MSc
Head of Recruiting & Business Operations
As an expert in the IT job market, David is well acquainted with both the needs of employers and the expectations and desires of candidates. Currently he is responsible for the development of the ERP & applications, digital and supply chain management domains at epunkt and works together with his team to set up each individual and the team as a whole for success. As a trainer at the Recruiting Campus he raises sensitivity to the issue of candidate experience, which is very near and dear to his heart.
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10 Facts about David
- Optimist. Always.
- All season bicycle commuter. Even when weatherman recommends against it.
- Has everything in sight. Not just when he is at a mountain peak.
- Loves efficient processes. And the way there.
- Is known for his wordplays. Not everyone finds them punny.
- Never thought he would have to share his home office with two bunnies.
- Goes the extra mile for his clients. There’s no such thing as impossible.
- Keeps calm at all times. Except when the national soccer team or Dominic Thiem is playing.
- Has never refused a piece of cake.
- Sonnberger. The name combines “sun” and “mountains” and suits David perfectly.
What epunkt particularly appreciates about David:
His enthusiasm for recruiting and his conviction that he can and does make a contribution to everyone involved.