Mag. Nadja Sattler, BA
Recruiting Partner
Joined epunkt as a recruiter in the business sector with a specialisation in HR, marketing & sales positions in February 2019. Studied Nutrition Science and studied food in the laboratory. After completing a part time degree in Personnel Management, she now analyses the CV’s of our candidates.
Contact / Location
10 Facts about Nadja
- Music is her first love.
- Enjoys eating vegetables, especially when they are spicey.
- Loves getting together with friends for long, good chats.
- Her motto: “wine not?”
- Evens her keel with sports, yoga, and nature.
- A cerebral person with a lot of heart.
- Likes humour, especially in combination with irony and sarcasm.
- Often has wanderlust and loves to travel.
- Definitely a #dogperson.
- Gives her colleagues (animal) nicknames.
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Nadja:
Her high level of commitment and how much she enjoys working with people. Also her charm and wit that is so typical of the wine region of Lower Austria.