Nadja Sattler
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Mag. Nadja Sattler, BA

Recruiting Partner

Joined epunkt as a recruiter in the business sector with a specialisation in HR, marketing & sales positions in February 2019. Studied Nutrition Science and studied food in the laboratory. After completing a part time degree in Personnel Management, she now analyses the CV’s of our candidates.

Contact / Location
epunkt Vienna
Universitätsring 8/6
1010 Vienna

10 Facts about Nadja

  • Music is her first love.
  • Enjoys eating vegetables, especially when they are spicey.
  • Loves getting together with friends for long, good chats.
  • Her motto: “wine not?”
  • Evens her keel with sports, yoga, and nature.
  • A cerebral person with a lot of heart.
  • Likes humour, especially in combination with irony and sarcasm.
  • Often has wanderlust and loves to travel.
  • Definitely a #dogperson.
  • Gives her colleagues (animal) nicknames.

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Nadja:

Her high level of commitment and how much she enjoys working with people. Also her charm and wit that is so typical of the wine region of Lower Austria.

Recruitment Human Resources
Nadja Sattler
Nadja sattler 2

Nadja's colleagues