Katharina Kitzmüller, BA
Human Resources Management
Has been at epunkt since November 2011: first in marketing, then as head of marketing. Returned from maternity leave in March 2021 to join the epunkt HR core team with a focus on Recruiting Campus, employer branding, health (“epunkt body & mind”) and strategic HR projects. Studied Media Management at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
Contact / Location
10 Facts about Katharina
- Feels at home outside
- Loves the unknown
- Understanding and inspiring people
- Plagued by constant wanderlust
- Makes a mean espresso
- Always in some kind of continuing education program
- Has a Spanish horse and an Upper Austrian husband
- A real athlete – even with a baby in tow
- Moonlights as a yoga instructor
- Has a large garden - but (still) a brown thumb
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Katharina:
There’s no such thing as impossible. Either we’ll find a way – or make our own.