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Jana Pilz, BSc

Recruiting Partner

Joined epunkt in the business applications & digital transformation domain in November 2021 and works every day to improve her sense of what candidates and clients need. As someone who holds a degree in Sociology from the JK University in Linz, she knows about the most important issues of the day. Her overarching goal is understanding others as well as possible in order to find delightful, sustainable solutions for all stakeholders. With pleasure.

Contact / Location

7 Facts about Jana

  • Believes that life is simply better when the weather is warm and enjoys the outdoors even more then
  • Knows how important it is to be a good friend to herself
  • Feel-Good-Manager: Good team spirit and team understanding are important to her
  • Loves the comfy-cuddly homey feeling while watching a new episode of “Der Bergdoktor”
  • A bundle of energy with a flair for people: Her passion for people and relationships is evident in both her professional and private life
  • Has high standards for quality & processes and likes to call a spade a spade
  • Take off! Sun worshiper who loves to travel and who is in search of different cultures and a warmer climate

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Jana:

How she approaches clients and candidates with interest and curiosity to understanding them better.

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