Mag. Gerda Felbinger
Human Resources Training & Development Manager
Got her start at epunkt in 2012. At first in recruiting with a focus on business and technology. Since November 2016 part of the internal HR core team for training and further education, personnel development, (strategic) HR projects, and health (“epunkt Body & Mind”). Studied Business and Economics at the JK University Linz.
Contact / Location
10 Facts about Gerda
- Loves the peace and quiet of being in nature and the mountains.
- Is sometimes more chaotic than she admits.
- Has a very positive and sanguine approach to life.
- Likes fresh and healthy cooking but/and loves chocolate, too.
- Sometimes her perfectionism gets in her way.
- Always has an open ear.
- Strength comes from tranquillity.
- Is crazy about baby animals.
- Likes the Scandinavian style of furnishing.
- Would rather climb a mountain than jump in the ocean.
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Gerda:
Her high level of commitment and service orientation along with the joy and fun she has every day at work.