Mag. Eva Helfrich
Content Management & PR
Shares responsibility for epunkt’s content as part of the content crew since January 2019 – on paper and on the screen. Loves expressing epunkt’s unique character with the written word. Prior to epunkt, multiple years of experience as a magazine editor and writer as well as in the external and internal communications department for an international company.
Contact / Location
10 Facts about Eva
- Loves entertaining writing and well-made points.
- Is the bouncy part of the content crew (the yang to Carina’s yen).
- A real motormouth or really quiet – and hardly ever in between.
- Born to be mild.
- Usually laughs the loudest.
- Never, ever thinks about food. Coffee enthusiast.
- Couldn’t live without music.
- Talks to dogs like they are children. Calls them all “Bauxi”.
- Loves to destroy workouts and get back down to earth with yoga or a jog.
- A person who lives for team spirit and feelings.
What epunkt particularly appreciates about Eva:
Her editorial skills and weakness for commas, her intellectual curiosity, and heartfelt approach to people.