Marlene Gattringer
Marlene gattringer 2

Marlene Gattringer

Marketing Automation

Joined the epunkt marketing team in December 2017. Together with Tamina she is responsible for career fairs, sponsoring, and career trainings as the first point of contact for Linz. She loves diving into the world of content marketing, romping around the career blog, and rising to new challenges in the newsletter arena. Prior to epunkt: Matura with a focus on design and product innovation as well as experience abroad in the tourism branch.

Contact / Location

10 Facts about Marlene

  • Often dreams of the Swiss Alps.
  • Is an early bird. Very early.
  • Sometimes a tad too much the perfectionist.
  • Plays the transverse flute and the saxophone in a music association. The latter mainly as a wannabe.
  • Evens her keel with cooking and backing.
  • Grins and keeps her two bits to herself.
  • Classic summer jogger. And winter couch potato.
  • Considers coffee a staple food.
  • Has no sense of direction. Except with Google Maps, of course.
  • Tinkers until it works like it’s supposed to.

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Marlene:

Her eye for detail and a drive to do things right. And most especially her dependability.

Marketing Blog
Marlene Gattringer
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