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Lisa Fritz, Bakk

Teamlead Recruiting

At epunkt since March 2019 as a recruiting partner with a focus on IT positions. Earned a bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, then a master’s degree in Global Studies and Business Education at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. Professional experience in accounting and business administration.

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10 Facts about Lisa

  • Is 100% a pack animal. Up for anything. Always ready to go (but preferably not too early or before the first cup of coffee).
  • Lives in Graz. But her heart belongs to Carinthia. Especially the cuisine and Wörthersee lake.
  • Likes to buttress her arguments with illustrative metaphors that regularly have her colleagues in stitches.
  • Candidate is king! Shares the excitement and the disappointment felt by her candidates. Always looking for the best match for them.
  • Quick-witted. Honest. Direct. Doesn’t back down. If something isn’t ok, she says so.
  • No Excel list is immune to her. Colleagues describe her as the Excel guru, queen, or master.
  • Often falls victim to her own perfectionism. Lists, notices, and reports can turn into a doctoral thesis.
  • In her free time she laces up her running shoes, grabs a tennis racket, or sets sail on the Adria.
  • Likes to party. Long. Usually until the very end.
  • She always has emergency chocolate rations in her desk drawer. Is happy to share. Usually.

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Lisa:

Her communicative nature. Her pronounced team spirit. And her composure, which helps her keep her sense of humour even in the midst of chaos.

IT Recruitment Recruitment
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