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Laura Warmuth, MA

Recruiting Partner

Part of the epunkt family in Vienna since 2018 and responsible for the placement of specialists and managers in the IT sector. Gained experience in recruiting before joining epunkt. Earned a master’s degree in Sociology with a focus on Labour and Organization.

Contact / Location
epunkt Vienna
Universitätsring 8/6
1010 Vienna

6 Facts about Laura

  • Mother to twin sisters: double trouble, twice the fun
  • Metalhead – headhunting meets headbanging
  • Always up for dancing
  • Most enjoys spending her vacations in Italy, but can’t get the hang of Italian
  • Always has an open ear for her colleagues
  • Loves chocolate – don’t take the last one

What epunkt particularly appreciates about Laura:

Her honest and humorous nature. Always there for her colleagues with advice and help. How she treats candidates and clients with appreciation and respect.

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Laura's colleagues